The Roaster Shot

We have noticed that any coffee roasting outfit worth its salt has at least one picture of coffee roasting equipment on its website. We’re relatively new to the online coffee company scene, so we sought feedback from our team to ensure that we’re doing things the right way.

Some recommend pictures of flannel-clad staff leaning over a roaster, thoughtfully examining a recently pulled coffee sample. There was lively discussion regarding thoughtfully smelling the coffee, however, nobody could agree on how best to pose for a “sniff pic.”

Others suggested providing images of smoky, roasted coffee beans spilling out of a bespoke Austrian wood-fired coffee apparatus. Thus, presenting a dramatic demonstration that the coffee had passed through the bowels of a monstrously expensive, seed toasting beast… and is now ready to be enjoyed. Regretfully, this conversation was completely derailed when contention arose about whether or not Austrian wood should be used for authenticity’s sake.

In the end, however, it was Marv who provided the way forward. He gave us a copy of an old promo shot he did for Oblivious Hipster Magazine back in the day:

Oblivious Hipster Promo

Mission accomplished.

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