Thank You!

End of market

It’s a snowy end to October and our market season has come to a close.

We want to thank all of our awesome customers and fellow vendors. We had such a fun and memorable time at the Clark Fork River Market this season!

Thank you for the interesting and unexpected interactions:

  • “What are your notes?”
  • “MMMMM…. truck pushing tacos.”
  • “I want to get some coffee and a picture with both of you…”
  • “Where can I buy a wagon wheel?”
  • “Would you like a sip of my algae juice?”
  • “Any idea how to get a huge djembe on an airplane without having to buy it a ticket?”

Thank you for coming back to see us over and over again. It was good to get to know you all. Talking coffee, family, adventures… it really made it a special time for us!

We will be doing at least one local bazaar (maybe more) before Christmas. We’ll let y’all know the details as it gets closer.

We are taking a few well-earned days off next week and will be back to roasting and filling orders the week of November 7th.

…and now we get to sleep in on Saturdays until Spring!

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