Meet The Gang!

Meet Marv!

This is Marv. He’s the former owner of a heavy metal biker bar. Marv is retired, however, he’s definitely not interested in settling down. He is an avid collector of refrigerator magnets and coffee mugs from odd and interesting places. Marv appreciates many different kinds of coffee… as long as he can get it TO GO.

This is Clem, the Owner of Clem’s Accounting & Small Engine Repair. He is a coffee connoisseur with an unusual attachment to his French press. He enjoys playing chess with Larry in the park on Tuesdays.

This is Larry, a real estate broker extraordinaire. Larry is a world traveler and a patron of the arts. He’d love to be a singer, but is disturbingly tone deaf. Larry thrives on black coffee and biscotti.

This is Major. He’s a veteran on a mission to motivate. He has no patience with those who need goop in their coffee or sleeves for their paper cups. “Life comes at you hard – gotta be prepared!” Major enjoys drinking motor pool coffee out of a dirty metal cup.

This is Burt. Burt is a dentist who does things differently. He’s a seeker of truth with a flair for the mystical. Burt enjoys folk metal biker rallies and Turkish coffee by moonlight.

This is Betty. She is a stay-at-home mom with far too much time on her hands. Betty is a serial MLM business owner, crafter, and is heavily involved in community theater. She enjoys a jumbo-iced-3/4 caff-lungo-5 1/4 pump-sugar free-caramel cardamom-soy milk-latte after yoga with her friends.

This is Sammie. Sammie drinks upstream from the rest of the herd. She’s everybody’s favorite waitress at the local diner. Sammie enjoys soaking in her hot tub, reading romance novels, and sipping iced cold brew at the end of a long day.

This is Charlie. He’s a transplant from the West Coast. Charlie’s a haberdasher with style. He’s got a big hat and a bigger heart. Charlie is a proud member of the local pickleball brunch league: Pickleball & Pour-overs.

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