Coffee Journey

Dear, Clem.
When I go to a coffee shop, I hear people enthusiastically refer to their “Coffee Journey.” What is a Coffee Journey?! I’m concerned that I might be doing coffee wrong. Please help.

Mystified in Missoula

Dear, Mystified.

Please let me reassure you that you are not doing it wrong. An individual’s Coffee Journey is a very personal experience that is undertaken in a very personal way.

For instance, my Coffee Journey starts every morning before the sun’s up. I journey to my coffee pot and try not to trip on my boots that I left in the middle of the room. A little bit later in the day, I journey to the kitchen to enjoy a large mug of coffee from my French Press.

Some people journey great distances on a daily basis to see their favorite barista labor over a beloved coffee concoction. Some people journey to the 10th floor for some coffee because the stuff on 5th is absolute swill.

Fancy people might argue that a Coffee Journey is the culmination of one’s experiences, emotions, and traditions as it relates to coffee. They may contend that it is an amalgam of agricultural wisdom and socially conscious sensitivities that is best experienced with a molecular appreciation of all things coffee.

For the rest of us:

A Coffee Journey is the distance traveled between Point A -> Point B… because of coffee.

Thanks for the question, Mystified.

Now I’m off to find my French Press. It’s not where I traditionally leave it. I think it’s time for some calm introspection to see if I can remember where I left it.

I feel a Coffee Journey coming on.

Clem is an enterprising small business owner that enjoys sharing his thoughts about coffee and culture.
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